
Three-Dimensional Colored Waterproof Membrane

Product Details:
  • Product Description
  1. The membrane is a waterproof material with various patterns and colorful three dimensional feeling.
  2. Is made of filament polyester felt dipping high quality modified bitumen coating.
  3. One side is covered with polyethylene film, the other side is covered with colorful mineral grains.


  • Application :
  1. Used on sloped and decorated roof
  • Features :
  1. Weight slight, cut of f 20%-30% of roof's weight;
  2. Different colors meet dif ferent styles:
  3. Easy to install and maintain.
  • Specification :
  1. Product Name : Three-dimensional colored waterproofing membrane
  2. Packing : Roll size: 1m* 10m / Thickness: 3, 4mm
  3. Upper surface material : Colorful mineral granule
  4. Aaplication Technolgy : Wet applied / Dry applied
  • Shelf life :

                     Avoid direct sunshine and rain, keep ventilated. Store in a vertical position. When                    kept in a cool, dry and protected area, sealed pail have a 12-months shelf life.

  • Structure :
  1. Colorful mineral granule
  2. Modified bitumen hot melt glue
  3. Polyester fabric reinforced
  4. Modified bitumen hot melt glue
  5. PE film
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